Change · Difficult Situations

Part 2: Navigating the College Planning Process

Last week, I highlighted some useful advice from a podcast I did with Bright Futures Consulting. This week, I am back to offer some more valuable insights. Use flexible thinking When we work with a student from a blended family, there are usually a lot of moving parts. Everyone involved is human. With that realization,… Continue reading Part 2: Navigating the College Planning Process

Change · Difficult Situations · Exes · Uncategorized

Navigating College Planning

My friend and colleague, Dr. Beth Dennard, and I recently sat down and talked about navigating college planning for high school students in blended families or who have parents who do not live together. Since this is the time of year when many high school seniors are making bigdecisions or younger students are getting ready… Continue reading Navigating College Planning

Difficult Situations · Great Resources · Parenting

A New Back-to-School Resource for You

With school starting again, many parents are needing some new tips and ideas for the best ways to support their children. This is a great free webinar that I believe can be helpful to all parents, regardless the plan you have in place right now. My thanks to Unyte and Integrated Listening Systems for granting permission… Continue reading A New Back-to-School Resource for You

Difficult Situations

When You Feel Completely Overwhelmed

This is the third post in my new “Comfort Series,” where I will provide insight and advice for managing all the uncertainty and change swirling around us. Read the first post here and the second post here. The feeling of being overwhelmed is often caused because of all the things you are dealing with at one time.… Continue reading When You Feel Completely Overwhelmed

Difficult Situations · Parenting

Show Yourself Some Compassion

This is the second post in my new “Comfort Series,” where I will provide insight and advice for managing all the uncertainty and change swirling around us. Read the first post here. One of the reasons it is hard for many parents during times like these is that they’re so sure that other parents are… Continue reading Show Yourself Some Compassion

Difficult Situations · Parenting · Single Parents

Feel Like You’re Doing It All Wrong? You’re Not.

This is the first post in my new “Comfort Series,” where I will provide insight and advice for managing all the uncertainty and change swirling around us, as we navigate a long hot summer that doesn’t look or feel like anything we’ve likely experienced before. Headlines similar to “High stress is the new normal for… Continue reading Feel Like You’re Doing It All Wrong? You’re Not.

Difficult Situations · Stepfamilies

Feeling Left Out? Make More Time With Your Spouse

“Competitive love in blended families creates sabotage in the blended family relationships.” – Ron Deal, Blended and Blessed Conference 2020 My husband, Mike, and I had a great time at the Blessed and Blended Conference 2020 on Saturday, April 25th, from our own house. While it was originally supposed to be in Houston this year,… Continue reading Feeling Left Out? Make More Time With Your Spouse

Difficult Situations

When the World Shakes Its Fist and Says “Good Friday”

When the world shakes its fist and says, “Good Friday!” God comes back with dogwoods, redbuds and jonquils, the crocuses and butterflies of life and says, “Easter, Easter, Easter!” – Grady Nutt This quote hangs on the wall in my hallway. I’ve had it there for years, and it always reminds me that whatever I… Continue reading When the World Shakes Its Fist and Says “Good Friday”

Difficult Situations · Exes · Parenting

Co-Parenting During the Pandemic

If you are co-parenting your children, then you already know that situations like this are not really covered in your divorce or custody decree.  The AFCC (American Family and Conciliation Courts) and the AAML (American Association of Matrimonial Lawyers) issued a joint statement this past week with guidance for co-parents.  You can read it here.… Continue reading Co-Parenting During the Pandemic