Change · Difficult Situations · Exes · Uncategorized

Navigating College Planning

My friend and colleague, Dr. Beth Dennard, and I recently sat down and talked about navigating college planning for high school students in blended families or who have parents who do not live together. Since this is the time of year when many high school seniors are making bigdecisions or younger students are getting ready… Continue reading Navigating College Planning

Difficult Situations · Exes · Parenting

Co-Parenting During the Pandemic

If you are co-parenting your children, then you already know that situations like this are not really covered in your divorce or custody decree.  The AFCC (American Family and Conciliation Courts) and the AAML (American Association of Matrimonial Lawyers) issued a joint statement this past week with guidance for co-parents.  You can read it here.… Continue reading Co-Parenting During the Pandemic

Difficult Situations · Exes · Parenting · Single Parents · Stepfamilies

Demi Moore is “Proud” of Her Divorce. Here’s Why That Scares Me.

When Demi Moore started talking recently about being proud of her divorce, it gave me pause. It’s not that I’m not glad she was able to have a good relationship with her ex or that they were able to be there together for their kids. I am. It is just that that is not the… Continue reading Demi Moore is “Proud” of Her Divorce. Here’s Why That Scares Me.

Difficult Situations · Exes · Single Parents · Stepfamilies

Stop Missing Out on Life to Avoid Discomfort

“It’s not fear that makes our lives narrow and small – it’s avoidance.” – Harriet Lerner In 2005, I attended a conference in South Carolina and had the privilege of hearing Harriet Lerner, author of multiple books including The Dance of Anger and Fear and Other Uninvited Guests. She told the story of a friend… Continue reading Stop Missing Out on Life to Avoid Discomfort

Difficult Situations · Exes · Single Parents · Stepfamilies

Know (and Protect) Your Rights When it Comes to Your Kids and School

One of the hardest parts about co-parenting is when you want to co-parent but the other parent doesn’t. That is especially difficult when you are the parent with less time and less access. In my last post, I talked about the importance of reading your decree to ensure you understand your rights as a parent… Continue reading Know (and Protect) Your Rights When it Comes to Your Kids and School

Difficult Situations · Exes

Read Your Custody Agreement or Divorce Decree Right Now. Here’s Why.

Over the years, I have learned that it’s common for parents who break up to spend loads of time on a custody agreement, sign it, stick in a drawer, and, quite frankly, do their best to forget it. I understand that. I did it myself. It’s painful to reduce your life before the break up… Continue reading Read Your Custody Agreement or Divorce Decree Right Now. Here’s Why.

Difficult Situations · Exes · Stepfamilies

Do You Need Help Dealing With High Conflict People?

We all have people in our lives, whether they are family, neighbors, friends or coworkers who love a good argument (or an outright fight). If you need help communicating with a high conflict person, please join me Wednesday, September 18th at noon at the Hope and Healing Center. We’ll discuss strategies you can use to… Continue reading Do You Need Help Dealing With High Conflict People?