We all have people in our lives, whether they are family, neighbors, friends or coworkers who love a good argument (or an outright fight).
If you need help communicating with a high conflict person, please join me Wednesday, September 18th at noon at the Hope and Healing Center. We’ll discuss strategies you can use to better manage your relationships with high conflict people and keep your sanity while doing it.
Want to hear some good news, too? It’s completely free!
I’m really excited for this one because it is one of my favorite topics to discuss. I love it when I am able to share all the great insight I’ve gained through training at the High Conflict Institute and New Ways for Families.
During these discussions, I can’t wait for that moment when I see the light bulbs go on for people and those “ah-ha” moments of understanding. It always brings me back to my own experience of learning this incredibly accurate and effective method of dealing with high conflict people and issues. I know how much it is going to improve people’s lives for the better.
In addition to sharing with you, I will also answer your questions about your own situation, so come and gain actionable strategies you can start using immediately.
Plus, Hope and Healing Center will provide drinks and dessert for this Lunch and Learn! See below to learn more and to register for this free event!