Difficult Situations · Parenting

Show Yourself Some Compassion

This is the second post in my new “Comfort Series,” where I will provide insight and advice for managing all the uncertainty and change swirling around us. Read the first post here. One of the reasons it is hard for many parents during times like these is that they’re so sure that other parents are… Continue reading Show Yourself Some Compassion

Difficult Situations · Parenting · Single Parents

Feel Like You’re Doing It All Wrong? You’re Not.

This is the first post in my new “Comfort Series,” where I will provide insight and advice for managing all the uncertainty and change swirling around us, as we navigate a long hot summer that doesn’t look or feel like anything we’ve likely experienced before. Headlines similar to “High stress is the new normal for… Continue reading Feel Like You’re Doing It All Wrong? You’re Not.

Difficult Situations · Exes · Parenting

Co-Parenting During the Pandemic

If you are co-parenting your children, then you already know that situations like this are not really covered in your divorce or custody decree.  The AFCC (American Family and Conciliation Courts) and the AAML (American Association of Matrimonial Lawyers) issued a joint statement this past week with guidance for co-parents.  You can read it here.… Continue reading Co-Parenting During the Pandemic

Difficult Situations

Couples and the Challenges of Being Together All the Time Right Now

You can love your partner so much, but being together all the time is not easy, especially when you are experiencing so much change and anxiety. It is easy during times like this for your relationship with your partner to become problem saturated very quickly.  Even the happiest of couples get on each other’s nerves,… Continue reading Couples and the Challenges of Being Together All the Time Right Now