Difficult Situations · Exes · Single Parents · Stepfamilies

Know (and Protect) Your Rights When it Comes to Your Kids and School

One of the hardest parts about co-parenting is when you want to co-parent but the other parent doesn’t. That is especially difficult when you are the parent with less time and less access. In my last post, I talked about the importance of reading your decree to ensure you understand your rights as a parent… Continue reading Know (and Protect) Your Rights When it Comes to Your Kids and School

Difficult Situations · Exes

Read Your Custody Agreement or Divorce Decree Right Now. Here’s Why.

Over the years, I have learned that it’s common for parents who break up to spend loads of time on a custody agreement, sign it, stick in a drawer, and, quite frankly, do their best to forget it. I understand that. I did it myself. It’s painful to reduce your life before the break up… Continue reading Read Your Custody Agreement or Divorce Decree Right Now. Here’s Why.

Difficult Situations · Exes · Stepfamilies

Do You Need Help Dealing With High Conflict People?

We all have people in our lives, whether they are family, neighbors, friends or coworkers who love a good argument (or an outright fight). If you need help communicating with a high conflict person, please join me Wednesday, September 18th at noon at the Hope and Healing Center. We’ll discuss strategies you can use to… Continue reading Do You Need Help Dealing With High Conflict People?

Difficult Situations · Single Parents · Stepfamilies

Managing Your Jealousy, Guilt and Sadness During the Holidays

I remember the first time it happened. It was the first Christmas following my divorce.  “It” grabbed a hold of me and didn’t let go. It started with opening a holiday newsletter from a friend of mine. She, her husband and two kids just moved to a small town north of Houston and on paper… Continue reading Managing Your Jealousy, Guilt and Sadness During the Holidays

Difficult Situations · Stepfamilies

19 Quick Holiday Tips for Single Parent Families and Stepfamilies

The holidays can be wonderful! It just takes the right attitude. Decrease the stress of it all and find real joy this holiday season with this advice: When the kids are with you: Honor your feelings and then be grateful for what you have. Whining and gratitude go together. Honor your feelings of frustration, fear… Continue reading 19 Quick Holiday Tips for Single Parent Families and Stepfamilies

Difficult Situations · Single Parents · Stepfamilies

The Secret to Having a Wonderful Holiday (Psst: It’s Not Gifts)

I always wished my brother, sister and I were closer. We were only a few years apart, but we didn’t have the kind of close sibling relationships that other people have. When I started realizing this, I asked people who did have close sibling relationships what their parents did or what happened in their lives… Continue reading The Secret to Having a Wonderful Holiday (Psst: It’s Not Gifts)